
The pp-append-params attribute is used to append query parameters to the URL using anchor tags. This attribute is particularly useful when you need to dynamically add query parameters to the URL based on user interactions or other conditions. By utilizing the pp-append-params attribute, you can effortlessly modify the URL, enabling you to create highly dynamic and interactive web applications.

The default behavior of the a tag is to navigate to the specified URL. However, when using the pp-append-params attribute, the URL is modified to include the appended query parameters before navigating to the specified URL.

Example Usage

<a class="link" href="?appended=helloWorld" pp-append-params="true">Append Hello World</a>
  <a class="link" href="?appended=helloWorld&pphp=is-awesome" pp-append-params="true">Append Hello World</a>

Note: The href attribute is used to specify the URL to navigate to, while the pp-append-params attribute is used to append the specified query parameters to the URL before navigating to it.