Debounce Method

The debounce function is used to limit the rate at which a specified function is executed. This helps in managing performance and avoiding unnecessary function calls during rapid or frequent events such as resizing, scrolling, or typing in an input field. It postpones the execution of the function until after a specified wait time has elapsed since the last invocation, or immediately at the beginning if specified.


  • func (Function): The function to debounce. It is the primary action you want to throttle.
  • wait (Number = 300): Optional. The number of milliseconds to delay before invoking func after it was last called. Defaults to 300ms.
  • immediate (Boolean = false): Optional. If true, triggers the function on the leading edge instead of the trailing edge of the wait interval. Defaults to false.

Return Value

Returns a debounced version of the original function func. This new function will delay the execution of func according to the wait time after the last call, or execute immediately if immediate is set to true.

Example Usage

<div class="w-screen h-screen grid place-items-center">
      <input class="border rounded-md p-1" id="searchInput" type="text" placeholder="Search">
      // Example: Debouncing a search input function
      const debounceSearch = debounce(() => {
          console.log('Search query submitted');
      }, 1000);
      // Attach the debounced function to an input event listener
      document.getElementById('searchInput').addEventListener('input', debounceSearch);

Implementation Notes

When implementing the debounce function, it's important to consider the nature of the event and its frequency. Selecting an appropriate wait time is crucial for optimizing performance without negatively impacting user experience. For immediate actions, setting immediate to true can provide a responsive experience where necessary.